ESSENS Aloe Vera
(True aloe) may grow up to 100cm tall and is a succulent perennial herb with a short stem and a rosette of sparsely growing, spiny leaves.
ESSENS Aloe Vera
The origin of the plant is mostly attributed to the Nile basin, but is now cultivated in climatically conforming regions around the world.
ESSENS Aloe Vera
The pulp of the leaves is formed by colourless cells with a gel-like content that has clinically proven health benefits and is therefore used as a food supplement and has now found its place in the cosmetics industry. Aloe Vera Gel contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides and many other beneficial substances.
ESSENS Aloe Vera
Suitable for everyday use and optimal for those with sensitive skin and susceptibilities toward acne, herpes, eczema or fungal infections. Aloe vera helps to reduce bacterial growth and is highly valued for both it‘s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
ESSENS Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is easily absorbed deep below the surface of the skin and stimulates fibroblasts (basic cells of connective tissue found within different parts of the human body) resulting in the accelerated recovery of cells.